Standing on the Promises Collection
From the designer:
Sometimes ideas are born out of our own need for comfort and encouragement. On March 15, Jordan went into basically complete lockdown for several months and I could not leave my apartment. Time was ticking because I was expecting to fly home to The Netherlands in mid-April to get married to the love of my life. The day of my wedding came….and went. Although I thought I had it all planned out to the last detail, it was not meant to be. In the midst of my own bridal disappointment, I began thinking of all the people that work hard in life to make their life’s dream a reality, but something unpredictable happens and they are left with nothing. I thought of how the workers from our community workshop face so many difficulties and disappointments in life because of their circumstances. They don’t want to give up, but they are tired of fighting.
Where does our comfort come from? From this question was born our Standing on the Promises Collection. Let us focus our eyes on the One who created us, loves us, and holds us right in the palm of His hand.
It is our hope that these necklaces will help comfort and encourage you in your daily life. These are not just engraved words on olive wood, but promises to stand on that give us faith, hope and joy.
PS. I got married three months later.